Miscarriage Without Curettage and Treatment

Miscarriage can occur in all pregnancies. Besides being painful, miscarriage can cause extraordinary bleeding. Miscarriage can be divided into two, namely miscarriage without curettage (curette) and miscarriage with curettage. Miscarriage is the death of a baby spontaneously before entering the 20th week during pregnancy. There are various causes of miscarriage, ranging from chromosomal abnormalities so that the fetus stops growing, is exposed to toxins, infections, physical disorders or overweight in pregnant women, to the age of pregnant women who are too young or too old.

Do Every Miscarriage Have To Be Curated?

Women sometimes do not realize if they have a miscarriage. However, there are actually several signs that can signal a miscarriage, including:
  • lower back pain
  • abdominal pain that feels like cramps
  • there are spots (blood spots) or tissue coming out of the vagina
  • vaginal bleeding
  • fever
  • the body feels weak
If you experience a miscarriage, the doctor will do a physical examination and ultrasound. Usually, women who experience miscarriages will go through a process of curettage or curettage. Curettage or curette is the process of cleaning the contents of the womb in the uterus, including the fetus. However, 50 percent of women who experience miscarriages do not need to undergo curettage. Miscarriage without curettage is only allowed if the entire contents of the uterus are out and there is no fetal tissue or placenta left in the uterus. Miscarriages like this are known as complete medical abortion. In most cases of miscarriage, where the gestational age is still less than 10 weeks, fetal tissue or placenta that is left in the uterus will come out naturally within one or two weeks. This process can also be helped by administering medicines by a doctor, if deemed necessary. If a miscarriage occurs after 10 weeks of pregnancy, the rest of the fetal tissue is more at risk of remaining in the uterus. Therefore, a curette or curette procedure is needed to remove it. In addition to cleaning your uterus from the rest of the fetal and placental tissue, curette aims to stop bleeding and prevent infection.

Treatment after Miscarriage

After undergoing a curette or curettage process, you will need someone to accompany you home. You may experience mild abdominal cramps and slight vaginal bleeding over the next few days. But don't panic, because that's normal. Here are some things you need to do after undergoing a curette:
  • Get enough rest and don't get too tired

  • Try not to do strenuous activities within 24 hours. Most women can resume their activities immediately within a few days after undergoing curettage.
  • Take pain relievers

  • You may experience stomach cramps and mild bleeding for several days to two weeks after undergoing a curette. Usually the doctor will give pain relievers like ibuprofen.
  • Do not put anything in your vagina

  • After doing a curette, you are not advised to put anything into your vagina, including having sex, for at least two weeks after the curette or until the bleeding is complete.
  • You can't use tampons

  • You are also not allowed to use tampons until you get your period. Menstruation usually occurs again within 2-6 weeks after the curette.
Symptoms that you need to be aware of after the curette, include:
  • Bleeding more than 2 weeks or very much bleeding
  • Stomach cramps for more than 2 weeks
  • Limp or dizzy
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
If there are symptoms above, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy

Both miscarriages without curettage or with curettage, they are not entirely preventable. However, there are several efforts you can do to reduce the risk of interference with your pregnancy. Some of these efforts, including:
  • Eat healthy foods that are rich in folic acid and calcium.
  • Exercise regularly during pregnancy. However, first ask your obstetrician about the limits of exercise you can do.
  • Maintain a healthy weight, i.e. not too thin and not too fat.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine.
  • Stay away from cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.
  • Avoid activities that can cause injury or impact to your stomach.
Miscarriage can harm pregnant women. Therefore, always take care of yourself and your baby's health during pregnancy. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience bleeding, spotting out of the vagina, cramps and abdominal pain, and if your baby's movements are felt to be reduced.


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